Keli Wriston

Keli Wriston moved to Chicago in 1999 from the infamous western suburb of Chicago......Lombard. Keli has trained at The Second City, and The Annoyance Theater. She has also done voice over training as well as recorded her VO demo at Sound Advice( She has performed in the Chicago Sketch Comedy Festival for the past 2 years as a member of the group Das Glumlot and now Hi Betty! Having a sold out show with Hi Betty! at Chicago Sketchfest 2012. When not performing and making people laugh you can find her rockin out some kick-ass hairstyles and colors at Roots Hair Salon. You may have seen some of her fancy hairdos on the risque women of Off Off Broadzway(a burlesque inspired sketch comedy group) and several performers from The Cupid Players. Keli is making an attempt to learn how to play piano and is playing around with the idea of trying some stand-up. We'll see how that goes. She is super excited to be a part of and loves performing with the lovely ladies of Hi Betty! She wants to give a BIG thanks to Chris Othic for directing Hi Betty! enhancing their funny, her crazy supportive friends and family, Justin, and the special support from her daughter Chloe who makes it all worth it!
Celeste O'Connor

Celeste is from the northwest side of Chicago and has lived here her entire life. Yes. That's right actually from Chicago! She got her big acting break as a lady in waiting in the Mother Guerin/Holy Cross production of 'Once Upon a Mattress'. She is a graduate of Second City's Conservatory. She has also taken classes at the Annoyance, Second City's writing program, and Act One Studios in addition to acting classes in high school and college. She was part of the sketch comedy group 'Das Glumlot', and performed with them at the Chicago Sketch Comedy Festival for 3 years. She is also a member of 'Funicular' a sketch group who has brought comedy to the corporate environment of La Quinta Inns and performed at their sales meetings in Puerto Rico and Florida. They have also filmed training videos for the company. When she is not writing funny sketches about her life, she works as a realtor and is married with a 3 year old son and a 4.5 year old daughter. Some of her best material comes from her living room. She enjoys being told by her son to stop singing along to Adele because "she was singing it first!" She is not a very good singer but likes to pretend she is!! Celeste is super excited to be apart of Hi Betty! and share the stage with these other crazy, fun ladies. She loves being able to make fun of herself (and others) and have a good time doing it! She would shout out to their director, Chris Othic but it's been done three times already and she likes to be different (although she really does appreciate his PATIENCE and talent).
Georg Coleman

Georg is from Cuba (Ok,ok....Cuba,IL). She used to stay behind the scenes doing choreography for a variety of community theatre and high school productions since her college days at Millikin University. Her first audition was for Hello Dolly! where she blacked out while singing, but was somehow cast as Ernestina Money and an ensemble member in 1994. Once bitten, and never shy, she no longer wanted to stay behind the scenes. With no training, Georg moved to Chicago and completed the improv program "Players Workshop of Second City" in 1998. Since that time, she has been in numerous cabarets, holiday shows, was part of the sketch ensemble Das Glumlot, and cast in stage productions such as Damn Yankees (Lola), the Shadow Box (Beverly), and the Trip to Bountiful (Jessie-Mae Watts). Georg can be seen in Food Network's reality T.V. comedy "Worst Cooks in America - Season 2", an elimination show where she came in second place by improving her culinary skills - thanks to Chef Robert Irvine (her knife cuts are KILLER)! Georg's favorite role to play is mother of 3 year old Quinn who will NOT eat her cooking unless its mac-n-cheese out of a box! Hi Betty! has become a highlight in Georg's life - being able to work out her 'issues' onstage with 3 other crazies like herself. She would like to make a grand shout-out to funny-man director Chris Othic for taking on this daunting task!